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Philosophy on Data and Analytics

In my professional journey, I have cultivated a philosophy grounded in intentionality, a commitment to excellence in learning, and the importance of building meaningful relationships. These core values guide every aspect of my work in data and analytics. The stories and quotes that follow offer a glimpse into the experiences that have shaped my approach, driving my passion and dedication to this field. 

My philosophy as the Lead Data and Analytics Consultant at Unicon is centered on building collaborative partnerships that:

  • Lay the foundation for successful outcomes
  • Foster trust to ensure sustainability and long-term growth
  • Empower clients to solve problems effectively
  • Cultivate long-standing relationships and opportunities for re-engagement
  • Contribute to research within the education ecosystem
  • Create a positive and direct impact on learners

The excellent becomes the permanent

Jane Addams - Founder of Hull House and Rockford University Alum

unnamed (1)-1I occupied the same study carrel for four years at Rockford University, where I also worked as a student assistant in the library. My role involved helping fellow students with research, teaching them how to use the microfiche machine, and, naturally, guiding them in choosing a study carrel. I really enjoyed helping my peers find the appropriate research to answer their questions and add insight to their project. 

During my master’s program, I had a dedicated study space in the library, and as a doctoral student, I utilized the same study office for five years. Having a consistent space to ideate and think critically has always been important to me. This continues to be crucial as I now work from home, having a space dedicated to our work helps to set boundaries, schedules, and keep us organized in our work. All items that are important for delivering high-quality work. When I return to Rockford, I still visit that study carrel at Rockford University, where I often reconnect with friends and former faculty members who remain a part of the community.

Throughout my academic journey, I was consistently rewarded for delving deeply into specific subjects. Today, the only aspect of my curiosity that has evolved is my ability to quickly discern and prioritize where to direct that focus. As Jane Addams, founder of Hull House and a fellow Rockford University alumna, famously said, “Excellence becomes permanent.” My time at Rockford University, Northern Illinois University, and the University of South Dakota afforded me incredible opportunities to study, practice, collaborate, and strive for excellence in research.

Achieving excellence requires time and dedication, and as a consultant, I draw on my extensive educational background and diverse career experiences to do what I love—partnering with clients to solve challenges, drive innovation, and ultimately serve the educational ecosystem.

Intentional Days Create a Life of Purpose

unnamed (6)I am intentional in my work to guide partners on their pathway to excellence. Leveraging my past experiences, I provide clients with strategic insights into data management, ensuring that every step is purposeful and aligned with their goals. My approach is thoughtful and relationship-driven, involving a comprehensive understanding of business challenges from multiple perspectives. I collaborate closely with partners, reflecting on these insights to co-create a strategic pathway to excellence.

My intentional approach to data and analytics is grounded in:

  • Building strong, collaborative relationships: I believe that trust and open communication are the foundation of successful partnerships.
  • Gaining critical insights through research: I conduct thorough research to uncover essential details that inform strategic decision-making.
  • Focusing on a manageable set of priorities: I emphasize the importance of prioritization to ensure that efforts are directed toward the most impactful areas.
  • Strategically considering effective outcomes: I approach each project with a clear strategy, aiming for solutions that are not only effective but also sustainable.
  • Balancing the big picture with detailed understanding: I maintain a dual focus, ensuring that both overarching goals and intricate details are addressed.

The current was strong and the tide was great but this is what she was made for. 

This quote resonates deeply with my journey in data and analytics, a field I have navigated with determination and resilience for over 15 years. My career and academic experiences have been marked by challenges and discoveries, each one shaping who I am today. The pursuit of my PhD stands out as one of the most formidable challenges I have faced—yet, without a doubt, it has been the most rewarding and transformative.

During my PhD training, I was not only allowed but encouraged to dive deeply into complex issues, exploring them from every angle. The work was often grueling—countless hours spent pouring over journal articles, recalculating data, and refining measurement strategies. My research delved into critical topics such as oppression, inequality, bias, poverty, and psychological pathologies. These experiences were more than academic exercises; they were journeys into understanding the nuances of human experience and societal structures.

Through this rigorous process, I honed my ability to research, analyze, synthesize, and act upon the information I gathered. Each action led to deeper insights and, at times, further research, creating a cycle of continuous learning and growth. My dissertation, a mixed-methodological study of father-daughter relationships, provided me with the opportunity to integrate quantitative and qualitative data, contributing to the broader understanding of these dynamics.

One practice that remains central to my philosophy in data and analytics is rooted in this academic training: before embarking on any new project or challenge, I first seek to understand how similar issues have been approached in the past. I analyze the outcomes of these approaches and then consider how to innovate or improve based on the current context and objectives. This involves a careful consideration of the data elements needed, the type of analytics to be applied, and the overall methodological strategy.

Like navigating a strong current, my journey has required intentionality, perseverance, and a willingness to face challenges head-on. These qualities, cultivated through my academic and professional experiences, continue to guide me as I partner with clients to tackle complex issues and drive meaningful impact in the field of education and beyond.

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants. — Isaac Newton

As the Lead Data and Analytics Consultant at Unicon, Inc., I attribute my success and the incredible opportunity to work at Unicon to my intentional approach in building relationships and my commitment to learning from and being mentored by others.

My journey to Unicon began through an EDUCAUSE Community Group, which I am honored to co-chair in 2024-2025. I have been deliberate in selecting the groups where I invest my time, ensuring that my contributions are both effective and impactful. The community I am passionate about serving includes anyone using data and analytics to support learners and students. The above photo is of a panel presentation in which I presented together with Tom Andriola, to describe the importance of collaborative relationships between industry partners and higher education experts. Tom is one of those incredible leaders that sees abilities and skill in others, and sees opportunities for you to develop those skills and abilities. The relationship I have with Tom Andriola and his team at UCI Compass is ongoing, and has resulted in foundational contributions to the field of student success analytics. 

Building relationships has been instrumental in my professional growth, allowing me to acquire invaluable skills and seize numerous opportunities. In my role, I strive to offer the same support to my partners as I do my colleagues. Each of us brings unique expertise to the table, and by getting to know one another, we can leverage our collective strengths to benefit the entire project.


In my journey as a data and analytics consultant, intentionality, relationship-building, and a commitment to excellence have been my guiding principles. From the study carrels of Rockford University to working on strategic projects at Unicon, I have continuously sought to learn, grow, and contribute meaningfully to the field of education. The experiences and mentorship I’ve received have shaped my approach, allowing me to stand on the shoulders of giants and see further into the possibilities of what data and analytics can achieve.

As I move forward in my career, my focus remains on fostering strong, collaborative partnerships and driving impactful change. Whether I’m delving into complex research, guiding a client through a data strategy, or co-chairing an EDUCAUSE Community Group, my dedication to excellence and intentionality is unwavering. I am committed to using my skills and experiences to empower others, drive innovation, and ultimately contribute to the success of students and the broader educational ecosystem.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." — Mahatma Gandhi

Tasha Dannenbring PhD

Tasha Dannenbring PhD

Sr. Strategic Project Manager
Tasha Almond-Dannenbring is our Lead Data and Analytics Consultant, and a Sr. Strategic Project Manager at Unicon who has worked in the field of data and analytics for Higher Education institutions since 2010. Tasha works with clients in their analytics initiatives to bring meaningful results by assisting with data preparation, visualization, and driving data literacy throughout the organization. As a Strategic Project Manager, Tasha understands institutional data structures and how to effectively manage, interpret, and utilize that data to inform decisions. Tasha graduated from the University of South Dakota with a PhD in Educational Psychology and Northern Illinois University with a MS in Educational Psychology. She is also a member of the Graduate Faculty at the University of South Dakota, where she serves as a methodologist on dissertation committees. Tasha contributes to the higher education industry through conference presentations on data policy, institutional research, and analytics. She is on the Steering Committee for the EDUCAUSE Student Success Analytics community group and co-authored the Student Success Analytics framework.